August 1942

Saturday, August 1st

Eastern Front


The Kalinin Front, using the 30th and 29th Armies, begin a series of attacks aimed at clearing the Germans from the north bank of the Volga around Rzhev and taking the town. The 31st and 20th Armies of the West Front are to punch their way through the south face of the salient, taking Pogoreloye, Gorodische and Karmanovo. The attack continued during August, placing great pressure upon the 9th Army but failing to make any territorial gain.


In the Don Elbow fierce battles rage as the 1st and 4th Tank Armies of the Stalingrad Front try to gain time for the shattered 62nd and 64th Armies to fall back across the Don. There is heavy fighting around Kalach where the 64th Army crosses to the east bank.

The 1st Panzer Army pushes deeper into the Caucasus, the 13th Panzer Division reaching the Kuban at Kropotkin and threatening the rear of the 44th Army in the Kuban peninsula.

[ July 31st - August 2nd]