July 1942

Friday, July 17th

North Africa

The Aussies resume their advance under cover of some not very well-coordinated air raids. The Italians bear the brunt of this attack; the Trieste and Trento Divs suffer heavily. A counterattack well-supported by the Luftwaffe, drives the Aussies back. Auchinleck's third offensive of July fails.

The fourth offensive will be called the 2nd Battle of the Ruweisat Ridge. The objective is to cut Rommel's battle front into two parts and to pursue the enemy as far as the frontier.

The main assault is to be carried out by Lt-Gen William Gott's XIII Corps. The 6th New Zealand Brigade is to attack from the south against the El Mreir Depression lying to the southwest of the Ruweisat Ridge, while the 161st Indian Motor Brigade from the 5th Indian Div attacks from the east, the objective being the Deir el Shein Depression and Point 63 on the Ridge. The infantry is to be assisted by the 1st Armored Div. Its 2nd and 22nd Armored Brigades between them have 61 Grants, 81 Crusaders and 31 Stuarts with another 100 in reserve. The armor is to advance at first light on the 22nd.

The 6th New Zealand and the 161st Indian Motor Brigades are to clear gaps in the minefields. Through these are to pass the 40th and 46th Battalions, Royal Tank Regt, both from the 23rd Armored Brigade and between them have 98 Valentines. The Axis force would be cut in two and the ground won would be secured by the 9th Indian Brigade. As a diversion the 69th British Brigade is to attack in the south, the South Africans would thrust to the north of Deir el Shein, and the Aussies to strike south toward the Miteirya Ridge, supported by the 23rd Armored Brigade's third unit, the 50th Royal Tanks with 6 Matildas and 45 Valentines.