July 1942

Wednesday, July 15th

North Africa

Unfortunately in the confusion of a night action, some German outposts are overlooked and at first light these hit the New Zealanders from behind cutting them off from their anti-tank guns. The remaining German armor falls on the rear of the 5th New Zealand Brigade forcing 350 men to surrender. 1 New Zealand platoon goes northward, capturing 5 machine-gun posts and about 200 prisoners.

The intent was for the British armor to advance at first light, but that does not happen. The 22nd Armored Brigade had been moved well south of the Ridge on the previous evening to protect against enemy tanks reported to be operating in the area. Maj-Gen Howard Kippenberger drives over to the 2nd Armored Brigade located to the southwest of Point 64 in an attempt to get help for his men, but Brig Raymond Briggs receives him 'coolly'.

The British tanks finally move up to the assistance of the 5th Indian Brigade when it renews the attempt to take Point 64. It is finally successful in the afternoon.

Meanwhile the remaining tanks of the 15th Panzer Div, most of the 21st Panzer Div and Recon Units 3 and 33 are collected together by Lt-Gen Walther Nehring to the west of Ruweisat Ridge. At 1700 they attack the 4th New Zealand Brigade at Point 64 inflicting heavy losses abd another 380 New Zealand prisoners,. The brigade headquarters is overrun but Brig James T. Burrows manages to escape but the total New Zealand loss rised to 1,405 dead, wounded or catured. The 22nd Armored Brigade arrives about 1815 and checks Nehring's progress.