June 1942

Saturday, June 20th

06/20/42 - North Africa

The assault begins at 0520 with the Luftwaffe striking the first blow. The Desert Air Force had dropped back 200 miles further east at Mersa Matruh from Gambut. The fighters could not make it to Tobruk; there were not enough long-range fuel tanks available. 80 Stukas are to help blast a way through the minefields to strike at the 2/5th Mahrattas. The Germans break through the Mahrattas' defense about 0820. The Gurkhas counterattack but are repulsed. The Gurkhas continue holding their positions at the extreme eastern end as the Camerons beat back attacks by Ariete, but a breach has been made. A counterattack by the 32nd Army Tank Brigade is needed, but muddled orders result in delayed execution with the infantry and armor failing to cooperate with each other and 2 armored regiments go into action separately. The 4th Royal Tanks attack first and are destroyed shortly after noon. The 7th Royal Tanks come up next and suffer similarly about 1400.

By 1400 both panzer divisions reach 'King's Cross' as the junction between the coast road and the road southwest of El Adem is called. The 21st Panzer Div heads northward for the town of Tobruk which they enter about 1900 capturing the area commander Brig W. W. Thompson.

The 15th Panzer Div advances on the left of the 21st Panzer and falls on the 1st Sherwood Foresters and the 3rd Coldstream Guards who are forced to surrender at 1900 except 1 Guards company which withdraws westward to join the 1st Worcesters. Maj-Gen Hendrik B.Klopper moves his headquarters to that of the 6th South African Brigade and as a consequence no counterattacks are delivered during the night.

8th Army Commander Lt-Gen Neil Ritchie suggests to Klopper that he break out toward the frontier with as many troops as he can muster. Klopper at first makes preparations to do so but by 0600 has changed his mind feeling it would result in terrible casualties. Soon afteward a white flag is raised. The Gurkhas do not surrender until in the evening and the Camerons do so early on the 22nd. Some Guards and some South Africans break out successfully to the southwest.

Rommel captures 19,000 British soldiers along with guns, ammo, 5000 tons of food, 2000 vehicles and 1400 tons of fuel.