June 1942

Thursday, June 18th

06/18/42 - North Africa

The Germans cut the Via Balbia near Gambut and Tobruk is now isolated.

Tobruk is garrisoned by the 2nd South African Div, the 4th and 6th Brigades holding the western and southwestern perimeter of the defenses. The southeast part of the perimeter is held by Brig Andrew Anderson's 11th Indian Brigade from the 4th Indian Div. Its 3 battalions: the 2nd Camerons, 2/5th Mahrattas and the 2/7th Gurkhas. The main reserve is the 201st Guards Brigade under Brig G. F. Johnson. Its 3 battalions: 3rd Coldstream Guards, 1st Sherwood Foresters and the 1st Worcesters. The artillery support: 3 field regiments and 2 medium regiments with 69 guns. The armor consist of 60 Valentines and Matildas, mainly from the 32nd Army Tank Brigade under Brig A. C. Willison. Supplies on hand would be good for 3 months. The garrison senior officer is Maj-Gen Hendrik B. Klopper, who has been commanding the South African Division for only 1 month.