June 1942

Tuesday, June 16th

06/16/42 - North Africa

Early in the morning Auchinleck tells Ritchie not to lose Tobruk even though it may be isolated for short periods.

Ritchie had hoped to esablish such a line but he preferred to base the northwest boundary not on Acroma but on the already prepared and garissoned western perimeter of Tobruk. The 29th Indian Brigade is still at El Adem and the 20th Indian Brigade is in the area of the old battleground around Sidi Rezegh.

During the night Maj-Gen Georg von Bismarck follows the road eastward and captures El Duda early in the day. Rommel orders the 15th Panzer and Trieste Divs to the aid of the 21st Panzer, while the Ariete Div moves south of El Adem to hold off any attempts by the 8th Army to counterattack from that direction. By 1900, the 21st Panzer has driven the 1/6th Rajputana Rifles, detached from the 20th Indian Brigade, out of Sidi Rezegh. The 29th Indian Brigade is still holding at El Adem, but the Ariete Div prevents the 7th Motor Brigade from going to its aid. Brig Denys W. Reid wants to continue to hold, but Ritchie and Lt-Gen Willoughtby Norrie, don't think he can last much longer, so his retirement is ordered and he withdraws during the night.