June 1942

Friday, June 12th

06/12/42 - North Africa

There is a big air battle near El Adem with 4 squadrons of Hurricanes meeting a huge enemy formation. 33rd and 213th Squadrons lose 5 machines but destroy 2 German fighters, but the 274th Squadron shoots down 4 enenmy fighters without a loss. 73 Squadron breaks through and shoots down 6 German bombers.

Lt-Gen Willoughby Norrie places the 2nd Armored Brigade under Maj-Gen Frank Messervy's command for a joint assault with the 4th Armored Brigade on the 15th Pamzer Div which is isolated. The 22nd Armored and the 32nd Army Tank Brigades are left to watch the troops in 'The Cauldron'. Messervy wants to take the 4th Armored Brigade to join the 7th Motorized Brigade on Rommel's other flank and Messervy goes to see Norrie to impose his view. On the way he is forced into hiding. At 1200 Norrie transfers these brigades to Maj-Gen Herbert Lumsden, but he does not take charge until 1525 by which time the 4th Armored Brigade has suffered from the 15th Panzer's anti-tank guns.

Rommel orders Maj-Gen Georg von Bismarck to move eastward from 'The Cauldron' with the 21st Panzer to engage the British armor from the rear. They hit the 4th Armored Brigade from behind in a complete surprise. Brig Brig George W. Richards loses 20 tanks and when Lumsden orders the 22nd Armored to his assistance, it also suffers losses to von Bismarck's anti-tank guns. At the same time the 15th Panzer attacks both the 4th and 2nd Armored Brigades. The 4th is mauled badly and Richards withdraws northward out of the battle area. The latter joins the 22nd Armored in the area north of Knightsbridge and south of Rigel Ridge which is the western extremity of the 1st Escarpment. Altogether on this day the 8th Army loses 90 tanks.

Auchinleck is at 8th Army Headquarters. Before he leaves on the 13th, he issues an order that the 2 divisions in the Gazala Line (1st South African & 50th) should stay where they are.