Chronology of World War II

May 1942

Saturday, May 9

Air Operations, CBI

A 1st AVG Fighter Squadron P-40 downs a Japanese reconnaissance plane near Kunming during the afternoon.

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Air Operations, Europe

  • 12 Bostons are sent to attack an oil depot at Bruges and the railway yards at Hazebrouck. There are no direct hits at either target. There are no losses.
  • There are only minelaying operations during the overnight period. 20 aircraft are sent off the Danish coast, Kiel and the German Bight. There are no losses.
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Coast Guard Cutter Icarus

Coast Guard Cutter <i>Icarus</i>

Air Operations, New Guinea

8th Pursuit Group P-39s shoot down 2 A6M Zeros over the Port Moresby/Seven-Mile Drome during morning action.

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Air Operations, Pacific

1 5th Air Force B-17 and 8 22nd Medium Bomb Group B-26s attack the Japanese seaplane base at Deboyne Island.

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Battle of the Coral Sea

US and Japanese carrier forces break off contact in the Battle of the Coral Sea. Although the losses of shipping on both sides are roughly equivalent, the Battle of the Coral Sea halts Japanese expansion plans in Papua and the Solomon Islands, and signals the first major Japanese reverse in the war. Japan has also suffered heavy loss of pilots and aircraft.


Eastern Front

The Russians launch a major offensive from the Donets bridgdhead in an effort to push the Germans back to Kharkov marking the beginning of the Battle of Kharkov. The front line sways back and forth in the eastern Ukraine throughout May and June before the Germans finally regain the initiative.


The XXX Corps pushes deep into the southern flank of the 44th Army. The 22nd Panzer Division thrusts through the Soviet line to overwhelm the 51st Army to the north. Just as the attack gains momentum, a heavy rain shower brings movement to a halt. This gives the Soviets a chance to pull back, which they take. Only a fraction of the 44th and 51st Armies, however, manage to fight their way out of the Kuban.

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Galapagos Islands

With permission of the governor of Ecuador, US units land.


(5/7?)64 British Spitfires are ferried to Malta by forces including USS Wasp and HMS Eagle. Unlike on April 20 adequate arrangements have been made to have them quickly and safely refuelled and rearmed so that they are not immediately neutralized. They are ready to take off again within only 35 minutes. This successful operation rekindles the hopes of the besieged islanders. Wasp returns to the US after this operation.

Another Batch of Spitfires to Malta

Another Batch of Spitfires to Malta
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New Guinea

The Japanese supreme command orders the suspension of the Port Moresby landing.

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The Japanese forces on Mindanao press home their attacks near Dalirig, practically finishing the defenders' resistance.

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The Americans land at Tongatabu.

United States, Policy

The US issues an ultimatum to Adm Georges Robert, high commissioner in the French West Indies, to yield military and communications control to American authorities because 'the French possessions might become bases for aggression on the part of the Axis.' Vichy rejects the demands and protests 'this interference by the American Government in French internal politics.'

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[May 8th - May 10th]