Chronology of World War II

April 1942

Tuesday, April 28

Air Operations, CBI

2nd and 3rd AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s down 15 Japanese fighters between Lashio and Hsipaw, Burma at 1030 hours.

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Air Operations, Europe

The Luftwaffe bombs York in what are now called the 'Baedeker 3-star raids', since the Germans officially claim to use this rating from the famous tour guide as a way of selecting towns to be attacked.

Baedeker Bombing of York

Bombing of York

In the early hours of April 29, 1942, the Second World War came to York in the most violent manner possible.

For two hours or more, bombs rained down on the city. By the time the final all-clear sounded at about 4.45am, 94 men, women and children in the city and its suburbs had been killed, or left so badly injured they were later to die.

  • 6 Bostons bomb the St Omer railway yards without a loss.
  • 88 aircraft including 62 Wellingtons, 15 Stirlings, 10 Hampdens and 1 Halifax are sent on a raid to Kiel. In bright moonlight and against strong Flak and fighter defenses, 54 aircraft claim good bomb results. Post raid photographs show 'no new damage'. Reports from Kiel, however, all 3 shipyards are damaged as well as the hospital at the Naval Academy, the university library and some private housing. 15 people are killed and 74 injured.
  • The Tirpitz in Trondheim is attacked by 23 Halifaxes and 11 Lancasters. Hits are claimed but no confirmed. 2 Halifaxes are lost on the raid.
  • In minor operations, 6 Blenheims are sent to the Langenbrugge power station, 4 Blenheim Intruders to Holland and 6 planes lay mines off Kiel and Heligoland. 1 Blenheim is lost on the Langenbrugge raid.
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Air Operations, North Africa

There is a night raid on Alexandria by the Luftwaffe. 102 people are killed, 111 injured.

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Air Operations, Pacific

There is a Japanese incendiary raid on Lashio at the southern end of the Burma Road.

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The Chinese 28th Div, now moving from Mandalay, is ordered to defend Lashio which is imminent danger of being captured by the Japanese. The Japanese occupy Kehsi Mansam.

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Chiang Kai-shek tells the US government that as a result of the Doolittle raid, Japanese troops have attacked the coastal areas of China where the US crews landed. According to Chiang, the Japanese 'slaughtered every man, woman and child. . .' in some of the villages which assisted the American pilots.

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Rommel receives congratulations on his promotion to Field Marshal after the capture of Tobruk, Libya, 28 April 1942.

Field Marshal Rommel

Field Marshal Rommel


The Filipinos on Mindanao are attacked mercilessly by the Japanese to prevent them from concentrating and holding off the new landing force that is on its way.

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United States, Home Front

The Office of Price Administration freezes the prices of all essential items affecting the cost of living.

Moving to Manzanar Reception Center

Moving to Manzanar Reception Center
Caravan of trucks loaded with baggage and private cars ready to leave a Control Station in Los Angeles, April 28, 1942 for Manzanar Reception Center. Departure from the various areas was at first by private automobile, with trucks for baggage. Later only by train or bus. Large moving vans were available to handle household or other goods the evacuees desired to have stored under supervision of the Federal Reserve Bank.
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[April 27th - April 29th]