Chronology of World War II

April 1942

Friday, April 24

Air Operations, CBI

4 2nd AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s shoot down a Ki-32 'Mary' light bomber near Loilem, Burma during the morning.

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Air Operations, Europe

Exeter is bombed by the Luftwaffe in the first of the 'Baedeker Raids' , so called because they are aimed at historic towns selected from the Baedeker Guide book in retaliation for the RAF raid on Lubeck on March 28. These raids are also nicknamed 'terror raids'.


On April 24, the Luftwaffe raided the historic city of Exeter where considerable damage was inflicted on many ancient buildings and churches, including the famous cathedral, dating from 1107. This raid was followed by raids on Norwich, Bath and York, and an official spokesman in Berlin described them as reprisals for the damage done by the Royal Air Force to buildings in Lübeck and Rostock and added that the Luftwaffe would "bomb every building in Britain marked with three stars in Baedeker." Here the cathedral is seen standing amidst the ruins of Exeter.

In Operation 'Götz von Berlichingen', the Russian cruiser Kirov receives further damage from the Luftwaffe at Leningrad.

  • 12 Bostons are sent to bomb the Flushing docks. 6 more are sent to Abbeville, but are recalled. There are no losses.
  • 125 aircraft of 6 different type are sent to Rostock, 91 to the town and 34 to the Heinkel factory. The center of the town is bombed heavily but the Heinkel factory is not hit although some bombs fall in the area. 1 Hampden is lost.
  • In minor operations, 39 aircraft are sent to Dunkirk, 4 Blenheim Intruders to Holland and 3 planes on leaflet flights. 1 Intruder is lost.
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Men of the South Staffordshire Regiment climb up onto a harbour wall during an amphibious exercise in Northern Ireland , 24 April 1942.

Amphibious Training for the South Staffordshires

Amphibious Training

Eastern Front


After a quiet period, the war on the Finnish front erupts once more as the 26th Army launches a fierce attack in the Kastenga area with 3 rifle divisions. The Finnish III Corps halts the Soviet thrust within 3 miles of the town and inflicts severe casualties. Fighting ocntinues for the remainder of the month.

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Canada, Home Front

Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables dies at age 67.

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Germany, Armed Forces

The motor torpedo-boats, which previously had been under the jurisdiction of the Flag Officer for Destroyers, are given their own autonomous command under Kapitän zur See Rudolf Petersen.



The US submarine Trout (SS-202) torpedoes the Japanese merchant transport Tachibana Maru (1772t) off Sasami, Japan.

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Secret War

The Germans smash 'Autogiro' - SOE Spy Circuit in Paris. 4 agents are courtmarshalled in December 1942 and sent to Colditz.

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Photograph taken of the Malinta Tunnel, Corregidor, April 24, 1942, 12 days before the surrender here.

Malinta Tunnel, Corregidor

Malinta Tunnel, Corregidor

[April 23rd - April 25th]