November 1941

Monday, December 1st

North Africa

The 15th Panzer Div continues to advance to drive the New Zealanders from Belhamed. Lt-Gen Reade Godwin-Austen's Headquarters Staff and most of Maj-Gen Bernard Freyberg's transport vehicles take refuge in Tobruk whose defenders are once more cut off from the main body. Brig Alec Gatehouse's tanks arrive, cover a retreat by the New Zealanders to Zaafron, returning to their former position southeast of Sidi Rezegh. Freyburg's artillery holds off another attack by the 15th Panzer while the 21st Panzer, which could have blocked his line of retreat, moves westward out of the way. The New Zealanders fall back toward the frontier in good order.

It seems as though Rommel has achieved another success but actually he has suffered heavily. The men were now mentally and physically exhausted. The 8th Army has also suffered but has fresh reserves to throw into the fight. More tanks are brought up giving the 7th Armored Div a total of 136. Maj-Gen Frank Messervy's 4th Indian Div plus the remainder of the 5th New Zealand Bde head for Sidi Resegh. They are replaced on the frontier by the 2nd South African Div.

[ November 28th - December 2nd]