October 1941

Sunday, October 12th

Eastern Front


The Germans begin the bombardment of Hiiumaa Island.


Staritza, on the road to Kalinin, falls as the 1st Panzer Division forces the 30th Army back. With Moscow threatened from the northwest, the Stavka forms the Kalinin Group to the right of the West Front. Koniev is placed in command but his force consists of 3 weakened rifle divisions and 1 tank brigade.

On the approaches to the Mozhaisk line, the 2nd SS Motorized Division Das Reich captures Gzhatsk. Pogoreloye falls to the 36th Motorized Division and Zubtsov to the Lehr Motorized Brigade.

Inside the Bryansk pocket, the 50th Army begins to fight its way northeast toward Belev. The XIII Corps captures Kaluga, forcing back the 49th Army.

Closer to Moscow, the GKO orders the construction of extensive defenses before the city. Nearly half a million civilians will be drafted to complete the work.


Bogoduchov falls to the 6th Army after a brief fight.

[ October 11th - October 13th]