September 1941

Wednesday, September 10th

Eastern Front


After a firece 3-day battle the Soviet survivors on Vormsi pull back to Hiiumaa.

Near Leningrad the 1st Panzer Division reaches the Duderhof Heights, which are defended by Lazarev's 55th Army. To the east, the 54th Army counterattacks toward Sinyavino in an effort to smash the tenuous German hold around Leningrad. The Sinyavino battle will carry on for another 16 days and result in a meager advance of 6 miles.

With the battle for Leningrad fully engaged, OKH orders Leeb to hand over the XLI Panzer Corps to Army Group Center. Schmidt reports that the XXXIX Panzer is having difficulty overcoming the 54th Army. In an effort to strengthen this thrust, Leeb transfers the 8th Panzer Division to the XXXIX, while the 254th Infantry Division fills the gap left in the line by the departure of the XLI Panzer Corps. The XXVIII Corps is to move west toward Pushkin.


Konotop and Romny fall to Schweppenburg's XXIV Panzer Corps, forcing back the 40th Army.

Shaposhnikov orders the Reserve Front onto the defensive, joining the West Front in digging in along their current positions. Koniev also takes over as commander of the West Front.


Near Kiev, the 5th Army falls back to the Desna, only to find the 2nd Army firmly dug in. For the men of the 5th Army the end is in sight, their line of retreat being firmly blocked. The 38th Army counterattacks at Kremenchug and penetrates a short way into the German bridgehead. Over the previous few days the Germans have piled forces into the bridgehead, having the LII, LV and XI Corps deployed there.

Realizing the scale of the disaster developing around his armies, Marshal Budenny urgently requests permission to withdraw from the Kiev salient. Stalin, having learned nothing from the disasters at Minsk and Smolensk, is furious that Budenny should even suggest withdrawal and absolutely forbids any retreat, condemning the greater part of the Southwest Front to annihilation.

[ September 9th - September 11th]