August 1941

Saturday, August 16th

Eastern Front


Soviet rearguards give up Kingisepp, retreating along the road to Gatchina. The I and XXVIII Corps enter Novgorod amid heavy fighting with the 48th Army.


The Bryansk Front is involved in heavy fighting with the 2nd Panzer Group and the 2nd Army in the areas of Konotop and Chernigov.


Budenny signals the Stavka that he requires the re-adjustment of the line in order to prevent the destruction of his armies. He recommends the withdrawal of the right wing and formation of a front reserve. Stalin in turn orders the withdrawal of all Southwest Front units behind the line of the Dniepr, with the exception of Vlassov's 37th Army, which is to cover the approaches to Kiev between Loyev and Perevochna. Potapov's 5th Army, isolated in the Pripet Marshes, is also to fall back across the Dniepr and Desna Rivers to rejoin the main combat line.

[ August 15th - August 17th]