August 1941

Tuesday, August 12th

Eastern Front


South of Lake Ilmen the X Corps has pushed some 9 miles toward Staraya Russa. The Soviets counterattack with the 34th Army, having concentrated 8 rifle division, a tank and a cavalry corps. They aim to press from the south and trap the X Corps against the southern shores of Lake Ladoga. To support the 34th Army's attack toward Morino, the 48th Army is to attack north of Schimsk toward Utorgozh and the 11th Army from the south of Staraya Russa. The 48th and 11th Armies, however, have been heavily attacked are have been forced onto the defensive, the 48th Army losing Schimsk as the I and XXVIII Corps advance.


The XXIV Panzer Corps succeeds in encircling another portion of Kuznetsov's ill-fated Central Front near Krichev, elements of the 28th and 13th Armies being isolated.

The 2nd Army continues its attack on the Gomel axis, throwing 3 divisions across teh Dniepr south of Zhlobin.


Vlassov's 37th Army counterattacks before kiev and restores the city defenses following the earlier limited penetration by the 6th Army.

The OKH orders Army Group South to destroy all enemy forces between Zaporozhe and the mouth of the Dniepr, trapping the 9th, 18th and Coastal Armies against the Black Sea.


Keitel issues another supplement to Directive No. 34, detailing the objectives for the next phase of the offensive. With the infantry forces of Army Group Center remaining on the defensive, the 3rd Panzer Group will move north to assist Army Group North's assault upon Leningrad, while the 2nd Panzer Group joins the southern wing of Army Group Center to operate in conjunction with Army Group South in its operations to conquer the Kiev region, leading to the capture of the Donbas and Kharkov.

[ August 11th - August 13th]