Chronology of World War II

August 1941

Tuesday, August 5th

Battle of the Atlantic

Several u-boats attack Convoy SL-81 west of Ireland. U-372 sinks the British steamers Belgravian (3136t) and Swiftpool (5205t). 3 crewmen are lost on the Belgravian, 47 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Bluebell. Only 2 survive of a crew of 44 from the Swiftpool. They are also picked up by the Bluebell. U-75 sinks the British steamer Harlingen (5415t) with the loss of 3 of her crew. 39 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Hydrangea. U-74 sinks the British steamer Kumasian (4922t) with the loss of 1 crewman. 59 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Malouine.

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Eastern Front

The fighting around Smolensk comes to an end as the pocket is liquidated. The Germans claim to have taken 310,000 prisoners and to have killed many of the 700,000-strong Soviet force. The Soviets admit far lower losses which includes 9 divisions, 3,000 tanks and armored cars and about 1,000 aircraft. The German figures are probably more accurate. The IV Luftflotte under Gen Alexander Löhr makes a very substantial contribution to the operations.

The Siege of Odessa by Rumanian-German forces begins. It ends 73 days later on October 16. The Rumanians suffer heavy casualties.


Soviet resistance in the Smolensk pocket ends. Army Group Center claims to have taken 309,000 prisioners and destroyed or captured 3,200 tanks, 3,100 artillery pieces and 1,000 aircraft.

Around the Roslavl pocket, the VII Corps counterattacks, closing the corridor opened by the withdrawal of the IX Corps. The Central Front is once again firmly sealed.


Heavy fighting continues around Malin as the 5th Army presses home its attacks. The I Airborne Corps joins the assault.

The Rumanian 4th Army closes in around Odessa, encircling the Soviet garrison inside the port. The Red Army has been ordered to fight to the last man to prevent the fall of Odessa to the Rumanian forces.

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Further Allied reinforcements arrive.

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Vichy, Politics

Adm François Darlan is promoted to be in charge of Vichy policy in North Africa. Weygand is to be his subordinate.

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'Rats of Tobruk'

'Rats of Tobruk'

[August 4th - August 6th]