July 1941

Thursday, July 31st

Eastern Front


The X Corps of the 16th Army advances to the southern shores of Lake Ilmen. The 34th Army and its 5 rifle and 2 cavalry divisions fight to prevent the German advance.


Guderian's 2nd Panzer Army completes its redeployment on the southern flank of Army Group Center, as did the 2nd Army. Even while the redeployment was taking place, the XXIV Panzer Corps strikes Group Kachalov south of Smolensk, inflicting heavy casualties.


The Finns begin their attack toward Leningrad as the Southeastern Army strikes Pshennikov's 23rd Army, the II Corps driving toward Kexholm. The Finnish attack upon Vyborg and Vousalmi continue.


At the end of July the German forces in the east have been substantiall reinforced by a sizable part of their available reserves. In all the field armies deploy 19 panzer, 15 motorized and 102 infantry divisions, an additional 2 panzer, 1 motorized and 12 infantry divisions having been committed. German losses have reached 213,000 men, of which only 47,000 have been replaced. In July alone the Ostheer lost 63,000 men killed.

The Luftwaffe in the east has 1,050 aircraft available for action. The Soviet air force has been reduced to 2,500 planes.

The Red Army has suffered ghastly casualties, having only 93 operational divisions left in the line. During July the Soviet command raised a number of new armies. The 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd and 34th Armies were raised in the west, the 35th in the far east, the 36th in the Baikal area, the 43rd in Stavka reserve, 44th, 45th, 46th and 47th in the Trans Caucasus area.

[ July 30th - August 1st]