July 1941

Sunday, July 20th

Eastern Front


While the 10th Panzer Division consolidates its lines at Elnya the SS Das Reich moves up on its left to support. The XXIV Panzer Corps thrusts to the Sozh River and gains a firm foothold between Krichev and Mstislavl.

With yet another defensive position broken, the Stavka orders the Reserve Front to move its units forward and enter the main combat line. The 29th, 30th, 24th and 28th Armies all push west to aid the struggling 16th and 20th Armies at the mouth of the Smolensk pocket. The 29th Army is ordered to attack south from Toropets with the three rifle divisions of Group Maslennikov to bring pressure to bear upon the outer German perimeter, while 30th Army's Group Khomenko with another three rifle divisions attack around Belyi and the 24th Army's Group Kalinin attack at Yartsevo with three more divisions. In addition, Kachalov's 28th Army is to hold down the threatening German advance at Roslavl with two rifle divisions and one tank division.


Elements of the XLVIII Panzer Corps smash through the Soviet line and head for Uman. At the end of the day, Monastyriche has fallen, severing the main escape route for the 6th and 12th Armies. The II Mechanized Corps holds open a narrow corridor free to the east between the XLVIII Panzer Corps and the 17th Army.


Dietl is forced off commanding heights to his rear by the surprise attack of the Soviet infiltration force. The already bitter fighting along the Litsa now intensifies as the Germans fight to stabilize their lines. Fighting will rage through to the end of the month without any significant gain by either side, but the Soviets achieve their goal of protecting Murmansk.

[ July 19th - July 21st]