July 1941

Saturday, July 12th

Eastern Front


The X Mechanized and XLI Rifle Corps are assigned to the Luga Operational Group to reinforce the Soviet defense line along the river.


Heavy fighting rages near Novgorod Volynsky as the XXXI Rifle, IX, XIX and XXII Mechanized Corps try to free the VII Rifle Corps. Despite repeated attacks, the Soviets are repulsed with heavy losses. Mackensen's III Panzer Corps establishes strong positions over the Irpen and stands poised to strike at Kiev but is forbidden to do so by Hitler's halt order. The south the XIV and XLVIII Panzer Corps begin their surge toward the Bug, away from the Dniepr and into the rear of the 6th, 12th and 26th Armies.

On the other side of the lines, the Soviets move Vlassov's 37th Army up to cover the direct route into the city. Kirponos also pulls the headquarters of the 26th Army into front reserve and then assigns it control ov all forces east and northeast of Belaya Tserkov. It is ordered to link up with the 5th Army to the north.

On the extreme southern wing, Rumanian forces advancing in Moldavia capture Balti.

[ July 11th - July 13th]