July 1941

Monday, July 7th

Eastern Front


The 52nd Rifle Division repels a heavy attack of Dietl's Mountain Corps on the Litsa. German forces are just 50 kilometers away from Murmansk. The XXXVI Corps launches strong attacks upon Salla and, after a fierce battle, takes the town. Repola falls to the 14th Finnish Division.


The XLI Panzer Corps overcomes the XXIV Rifle Corps barring its way at Ostrov and advances north along the Velikaya toward Pskov. The I Corps advances rapidly behind in support of the panzers.


Elements of the 20th Panzer Division crosses the Dvina at Ulla. After a furious battle, Soviet counterattacks are repulsed. The 19th Panzer Division is struck by heavy Soviet attacks out ot Polotsk and becomes involved in heavy fighting. The 7th and 12th Panzer Division of the XXXIX Panzer Corps attack the junction of the 20th and 22nd Armies, a move which causes Eremenko to order Koniev's 19th Army to move up to Vitebsk.

As these battles rage, Guderian moves his XLVII Panzer Corps north to protect his left flank against the increasingly violent Soviet attacks at Senno. A little to the south, the XXIV Panzer Corps captures Bortniki as it extends its hold on the west bank of the Dniepr. Between the two corps the XLVI Panzer is establishing strong positions.


The 16th Panzer Division of the XLVIII Panzer Corps is involved in pitched battles with Muzychenko's 6th Army near Starokonstantinovka. The 11th Panzer Division captures Berdichev after a brisk battle.

By this stage of the battle, the Southwest Front has been reduced to 627,000 effectives, deployed between 20 rifle, 1 cavalry, 4 motorized and 13 tank divisions and 6 tank brigades.

On the southern wing of the combat front, the 18th Army is involved in heavy fighting with elements of the XXX Corps at Mogilev Podolski. The XLVIII Rifle and II Mechanized Corps continue to counterattack northeast of Kishinev, joined also by the II Cavalry Corps. Amid heavy fighting, the LIV Corps pushes back the exhausted Soviet units, inflicting further heavy losses upon the already weakened divisions.

[ July 6th - July 8th]