June 1941

Saturday, June 28th

Eastern Front


Lelyushenko launches his counterattack toward Daugavpils. Some elements of the attack break into the northern suburbs. House-to-house fighting ensues as the Soviets press home their attacks with vigor. Later the XVI Panzer Corps manages to reinforce its units in the bridgehead and begins to inflict crippling losses upon the attacking Soviet corps.

Despite the failure of their attacks, the Red Air Force again launches a number of unsuccessful attacks in an effort to destroy the Dvina bridges. During the past week fighting in this sector has cost the Northwest Front more than 400 tanks and 200 artillery pieces destroyed or captured plus 6,000 soldiers captures and countless thousands more killed or missing in action.


Inside the Bialystok pocket, Kuznetsov's 3rd Army breaks apart as it fights its last desperate battle in the forests of western Belorussia. Golubev's 10th Army, trapped at Volkovysk, also dissolves into the forests or surrenders to the Germans. Gen Boldin, leading a large group of stragglers from the 10th Army, begins a difficult march east toward the Dniepr. At the other end of this vast series of pockets, the panzers are tied down to heavy fighting near Minsk as Soviet forces attempt to punch a path to freedom. The 13th Army suffers heavy casualties as 4 of its 5 rifle divisions are destroyed in the desperate fighting.

Outside the pocket, elements of the 3rd and 2nd Panzer Groups press farther east. The LVII Panzer Corps continues its isolated advance along the road to Polotsk on the northern wing of the army group, while the XXIV Panzer Corps enters the outskirts of Bobruisk pushing back the 4th Army.

To the Soviet rear, Pavlov is unaware of the encirclement of his armies but does nothing to attempt the extrication of his broken force. The high command of the Red Army in Moscow is becoming increasingly worried over the reports coming from Belorussia and moves to take measures to rectify the situation. Stalin decides upon the removal of Pavlov from command and puts Eremenko in his place.


Soviet armor attacking the 1st Panzer Group suffers increasingly heavy losses as the battle enters its third day. Kirponos is aware that the attack has failed to halt the German panzer thrust, and starts the difficult task of extricating his shattered units. The mobile group of the VIII Mechanized Corps continues its attack and is mercilessly pounded by the Luftwaffe, while the IX Mechanized Corps takes up defensive positions. As the 13th Panzer Division moves up on Rovno, the IX Mechanized springs an ambush inflicting heavy losses.

[ June 27th - June 29th]