Chronology of World War II

October 1940

Wednesday, October 23rd

Axis Diplomacy

Hitler meets General Franco at Hendaye in southern France. Hitler tries to persuade Franco to join the war and offers as bait the allocation of Gibraltar and territory in North Africa. Franco is uncertain about how to proceed and successfully muddles the issue, leaving Hitler no better informed as to what is Spanish policy but without causing offense.

Hitler and Franco

Hitler and Franco
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Baltic Sea

The German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer under the command of Kapitän zur See Theodor Krancke sails from Gotenhafen for the Atlantic.

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Battle of Britain

Day 106

Weather - Conditions over the country poor with low cloud and rain.

Combat - No large raids are made on this Wednesday with only reconnaissance and occasional Me-109 sweeps crossing the coast throughout the day.

Hurricanes of No: 145 Squadron, scrambled from Tangmere during the afternoon, intercept one raid of Me-109's over Sussex and lose two Hurricanes during the combat.

During the night the bombing of London continues with other raids dropping mines off the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire coasts.

Bombing Victim Rescued

Bombing Victim Rescued

R.A.F. Losses: 3 aircraft damaged or destroyed with 1 pilot wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 7 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 5 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 5 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The Norwegian steamer Prinsesse Ragnhild (1590t) sinks on a mine north of Bodo, Norway.

Inspection of Polish Troops

Inspection of Polish Troops
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[ October 22nd - October 24th]