Chronology of World War II

October 1940

Monday, October 14th

Battle of Britain

Day 97

Weather - Overcast over most of the country with rain and drizzle in the south.

Combat - In comparison to the past week, the scale of raids on this Monday is limited due to poor weather conditions.

During the morning small raids of Me-109's continue bombing targets from high altitude, out of the reach of Fighter Command, with scattered raids made by He-111's and Ju-88's on targets in the southeast including the airfield at North Weald. During one of these raids the He-111's find themselves being attacked by patrolling Hurricanes of No: 605 Squadron, scrambled from Croydon.

Several raids are made during the afternoon by Do-17's and Me-109's on Portsmouth, London and areas of East Anglia. Hurricanes of No: 17 Squadron, scrambled from Debden, intercept one of the Do-17's over Suffolk.

Although many Fighter Command squadrons are scrambled throughout the day, very few engagements are encountered and accidents or Anti-Aircraft guns cause most of the Luftwaffe casualties.

During the night the scale of bombing is reduced with the main targets being London, Birmingham and Coventry with smaller raids on East Anglia, Liverpool and Preston.

R.A.F. Losses: 3 aircraft damaged or destroyed with 1 pilot killed.

Luftwaffe Losses: 10 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 1 pilot killed and 4 pilots and aircrew wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British collier Glynwen (1076t) is lost to an enemy attack.
  • The German steamer Euler (1879t) sinks on a mine near St Nazaire.
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The Blitz

London is bombed with 200 people killed and about 2,000 injured. Among the damaged areas are St James Church in Piccadilly and the Treasury Building.

Balham Tube Station, 8pm, 14 October 1940

Balham Tube Station, 8pm, 14 October 1940

St. James's Piccadilly

t James's Piccadilly
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German Raiders

The German armed merchant cruiser Orion sinks the Norwegian steamer Ringwood (7302t) in the Pacific. The European crew is repatriated to Norway.

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Italy, Planning

Marshal Pietro Badoglio assures Mussolini that 20 divisions will be needed to defeat Greece and that it will take 3 months to prepare.

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[ October 13th - October 15th]