Chronology of World War II

September 1940

Thurday, September 19th


On orders from Hitler, the invasion fleet is to be dispersed to reduce losses from British bombing raids.

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Axis Diplomacy

Ribbentrop meets Mussolini and Ciano in Rome and warns them not to attack Greece or Yugoslavia. The Italian leaders dutifully reply that they will conquer Egypt first.

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Battle of Britain

Day 72

Weather - Overcast with showers over most of the country.

Combat - Due to bad weather no large-scale raids are made by the Luftwaffe. Small raids, however, are made throughout the day across southern England and the east coast.

The first action at 0900hrs involves Hurricanes of No: 504 Squadron, scrambled from Hendon, engaging He-111's and is shortly followed by interception of Ju-88's, off Suffolk, by Hurricanes of No: 17 Squadron scrambled from Debden. At about midday more Ju-88's cross East Anglia and the Thames Estuary. These are engaged by Hurricanes of No: 249 and 302 Squadrons and Spitfires of No: 92 Squadron.

Just before 1500hrs Hurricanes of No: 151 Squadron, which had been scrambled from Digby, intercept a Ju-88 over Cambridgeshire. Meanwhile over the Channel, Spitfires of No: 152 Squadron scrambled from Warmwell, intercept and shoot down another Ju-88.

The German invasion fleet begins to disperse from the Channel ports. The later reports of the German navy show that 1918 barges have been assembled, of which 214 have been sunk or damaged. Similarly 21 out of 170 transports have been lost.

During the night the main target for bombing raids is London with smaller raids plotted over East Anglia, Sussex and South West areas.

R.A.F. Losses: 1 aircraft damaged or destroyed with no pilot losses.

Luftwaffe Losses: 20 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 34 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 6 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The British tanker Shelbrit (1025t) sinks on a mine in the Moray Firth. The entire crew are lost.

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The Blitz

Liverpool is bombed by the Luftwaffe.

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[ September 18th - September 20th]