Chronology of World War II

September 1940

Sunday, September 8th


In Operation HANNELORE, German torpedo boats mine the Straits of Dover.

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Battle of Britain

Day 61

Weather - Fair during early morning with cloud for most of day and clearing into the evening.

Combat - The first indications of a raid are at about 1130hrs when a formation of Do-17's approaches the Kent coast off Dungeness. Interception is made near Maidstone by Hurricanes of No: 46, 253, 504 and 605 Squadrons as they successfully evade the Me-109's and Me-110's and shoot down many of the bombers.

Meanwhile over Dover, Spitfires of No: 41 Squadron, scrambling from Hornchurch, are engaging Me-109's as they cross the coast to cover the retreating He-111's and Do-17's.

As nighttime arrives, a large formation of bombers, He-111's, Ju-88's and Do-17's, approaches the Thames area at altitude, giving away their target of London and once more bombs rains down on the docklands and surrounding areas throughout the night claiming the lives of hundreds of people.

R.A.F. Losses: 6 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 2 pilots killed and 2 wounded.

Luftwaffe Losses: 25 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 30 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 7 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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German Raiders

The German armed merchant cruiser Widder captures the Greek collier Antonios Chandris (5866t) in the Central Atlantic. 22 of her crew are landed at Rio de Janeiro and 10 at Buenos Aires.

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Southern Dobruja (about 3,000 square miles) is formally ceded to Bulgaria by Rumania in the Treaty of Craiova.

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Secret War

In a report from London, Vichy French agents say that there is a Free French expeditionary force at sea en route for one of France's African colonies. (See September 23)

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[ September 7th - September 9th]