Chronology of World War II

August 1940

Sunday, August 4th

Battle of Britain

Day 26

Weather - Fine during the morning, fog in the Channel, but cloudy later with bright intervals. Conditions clearing towards the evening.

Combat - The Sunday is quiet with very few raids. Several reconnaissance raids are plotted throughout the Channel in search of convoys, but all turn back when Squadrons are scrambled. On this day,both the Luftwaffe and Fighter Command suffer high losses to training and general accidents.

Blenheims of No: 236 Squadron carry out a reconnaissance mission over Le Havre and engaged Me-109's, by surprise, with some considerable success.

During the night, fog impedes raids over the country with a few reported near Cambridge, the Humber, Derby, the Midlands and the Thames Estuary.

R.A.F. Losses: 5 aircraft damaged or destroyed (all due to accidents) with 1 pilot killed.

Luftwaffe Losses: 15 aircraft damaged or destroyed, 11 pilots and aircrew killed or missing and 9 wounded.

NOTE: Losses include non-combat patrols and accidents.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British submarine Sealion sinks the Norwegian steamer Torun (3318t) in Homborsund southwest of Stavanger.
  • In attacks on convoy HX-60 U-52 sinks the British steamers King Alred (5272t), Gogovale (4586t) and Geraldine Mary (7244t) 300 miles west-northwest of Bloody Foreland. Later in the evening U-58 sinks the Greek steamer Pindos (4360t). 4 cremen are lost on the King Alfred, 3 on the Gogovale, 3 on the Geraldine Mary and 3 on the Pindos.
  • SS Geraldine Mary

    <i>SS Geraldine Mary</i>
  • U-56 sinks the British steamer Boma (5408t) from convoy OB-193 northwest of Malin Head with the loss of 3 of her crew. 50 survivors are picked up by tne Norwegian steamer Vilja.
  • The German auxiliary submarine chaser UJ-175 (the trawler Perseus (428t)) sinks on a mine north of Ameland.
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East Africa

The Italian attack on British Somaliland begins.

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German Raiders

The German armed merchant cruiser Widder sinks the Norwegian tanker Beaulieu (6114t) in the Central Atlantic with the loss of 3 crewmen.

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Force H leaves Gibraltar for home waters to counter the German invasion threat.

Ships of Force H

Ships of Force H

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[ August 3rd - August 5th]