Chronology of World War II

April 1940

Thursday, April 25th

Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer Margam Abbey (2470t) sinks on a mine due north of East Knob Buoy. This is a result of a German minelaying operation on the 21st. The entire crew is rescued.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


The fighting in the Gudbrandsdal continues. The British 15th Bde and the Norwegian units put up a fierce resistance but are repeatedly forced back. The Germans advance even more rapidly in the Osterdal. In the north the Norwegian forces begin attacks toward Narvik.

British armed trawlers Bradman, Hammond and Larwood are sunk by German aircraft off Andalsnes. These are subsequently raised by the Germans and are operated as patrol boats Friese, Salier and Franke.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


A political amnesty is declared setting the Nazi Iron Guard free to function again.

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[ Apr 24th - Apr 26th]