Chronology of World War II

March 1940

Monday, March 4th

Battle of the Atlantic

U-29 sinks the British steamers Thurston (3072t) and Pacific Reliance (6717t) 32 miles wes of Trevose Head. 34 crewmen are lost from the Thurston while 1 survivor is picked up by the British steamer Moyle. All 53 crewmen of the Pacific Reliance are picked up by the British steamer Macville and the British tanker San Florentino.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Finland - Winter War

Day 96

The Russians send armor into the attack on Viipuri, the most important strategic point in Karelia and in southern Finland. The operation is favored by thick ice covering the waters of the Gulf of Finland. On the Ladoga Karelia the 69th Inf Regt is still holding out in Kollaa. On the Isthmus the Soviets launch an assault at 6:00a.m. leading to the capture of a bridgehead near Ayräpää church. Around noon Russian troops supported by tanks once again come ashore at Vilajoki and Häränpäänniemi on Viipurinlahti Bay. The Finns use what little air power they have to resist the Soviet offensive in this area. Detachment Alfthan is unsuccessful in its attempt to take Lavajärvi village. The Russians are now threatening Kotka and Virolahti. A new combat detachment, Detachment Aarnio, is being formed to fight along the section of the front between Mustalampi and Lavajärvi with the task of cutting the Soviet supply lines.

Fighting Continues

Fighting Continues
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ Mar 3rd - Mar 5th]