Chronology of World War II

February 1940

Tuesday, February 20th

Battle of the Atlantic

The British anti-submarine trawler Fifeshire (540t) is sunk by He-111 bombers of KG-26 52 miles east of Copinsay. 22 ratings and officers are lost with only 1 survivor.

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Finland - Winter War

Day 83

As the Soviets maintain heavy pressure in the Taipale sector, the Finns repulse heavy attacks across the frozen Taipale River. In Terenttilä the Soviets break through the Finnish defenses to a depth in some spots of 1.5 km. By evening the Finns have taken a portion of the front line. The situation for the Finns on the Isthmus has deteriorated badly. In the Mustalampi area, Soviet tanks are dragging sled personnel carriers in a breakthrough of the intermediate defensive positions. The breakthrough extends about 1 km. The Finns can deal with the Soviet infantry but have nothing left of take out the tanks.

An ambulance sent by the Swedish Red Cross is working close to the front lines in northern Finland.
Photo: SA-KUVA

Swedish Red Cross At Work

Swedish Red Cross At Work
A Swedish volunteer, 'somewhere in Northern Finland,' protects himself from the sub-zero arctic cold with a mask over his face, while on duty against the Russian Invaders. (AP Photo)

Swedish Volunteer

Swedish Volunteer
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ Feb 19th - Feb 21st]