Chronology of World War II

December 1939

Friday, December 15th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The Swedish steamer Ursus hits a mine and sinks off Margate with a loss of 9 crewmen. This is the result of the German destroyer minelaying operation in the Thames Estuary the night of the November 12th. 12 survivors are rescued by the Dutch trawler Brinda.
  • The Norwegian steamer Ragni (1264t) sinks on a mine off the Tyne. This is a result of the minefield laid by German destroyers the night of the 12th. 6 crewmen are lost and 13 survivors are rescued. 20 minutes later the Norwegian steamer H C Flood (1907t) is lost with 4 of her crew. 17 survivors are rescued. In the Tyne the Norwegian steamer Strindheim (321t) is lost on a mine along with 9 of her crew. 2 survivors are rescued.
  • U-48 sinks the Greek merchant ship Germaine (5217t) west of the English Channel. The crew is picked up by the British destroyer Wanderer and then transferred to the Dutch liner Pennland.
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Finland - Winter War

Day 16

Battle of Suomussalmi. The Finns destroy the Russian 163rd (Tula) Div and the 44th (motorized) in the waist. The Russian losses are 6,000 killed, 1,800 prisoners, 54 guns, 97 tanks, 420 vehicles and 1,170 horses. The battle continues until Jan 5, 1940. In the eastern Isthmus at Taipale, a Russian division launches a tank-supported offensive that is halted at Kirvesmäki. In the central Isthmus the Finns launch a counterattack at Summa but only advance a few kilometers. On the Ladoga Karelia Col Hannu E. Hannuksela's troops of the 13th Div launch an offensive towards Ruhtinaanmäki.

A key element of Soviet strategy is to cut Finland in half by striking across country to Oulu. To this end, the Soviet 44th Motorized Rifle Div advances along the Raate Road from the south; and the 163rd Rifle Div marches from Juntusranta from the north. The plan is to link up at Suomussalmi and then drive west to Oulu. Soviet strength is 48,000 men, 335 artillery pieces, 10 tanks and 11 armored cars. Finnish forces comprise the 9th Div under the command of Col Hjalmar Siilasvuo, about 11,500 men.

Listeners are reminded that today is the last recommended day for sending Christmas packages to the troops at the front.
Photo: SA-KUVA

Christmas Reminder

Christmas Reminder

Siilasvuo first attacks the 163rd Div in Suomussalmi. He cuts the Soviet division's supply line (the Raate Road) and places a blocking force in position to prevent the 163rd from being relieved. The Soviet 44th Div tries such a relief on Dec 25, and the 163rd attempts a link-up as well, but Siilasvuo's force holds. On Dec 30 the depleted 163rd Div again attempts fo escape from Suomussalmi, but is cut to pieces by Siilasvuo's ski troops and Finnish aircraft.

While these events are taking place, the 44th Div digs in along the Raate Road, but the Soviet troops are harassed mercilessly by Finnish snipers. Siilasvuo launches his main attack on Jan 5, and by Jan 9 the 44th has been destroyed.

The Battle of Suomussalmi cost the Red Army 22,500 men killed and wounded. More importantly, it ended the Soviet threat in central Finland.

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United States, Home Front

The movie 'Gone With The Wind' premiers at Lowe's Grand Theater in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Over the years, the movie was re-released in the city and played at the same theater.

Lowe's Grand Theater, Atlanta

Lowe's Grand Theater
Clark Gable, Margaret Mitchell, David Selznick, and Olivia de Havilland at the "Gone With the Wind" film premiere in Atlanta.

Gone With the Wind Premiere

Gone With the Wind premiere
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Western Front

Three British infantry bdes sent to France in Oct are formed into the 5th Div, British Expeditionary Force (BEF). This division is deployed south of Lille along a fortified line, which is extended and strengthened during the months of inactivity which Hitler allows to his troops on the Western Front, perhaps in the hope of finding a diplomatic solution. The line is reinforced with 400 new casemates and 40 miles of concreted anti-tank ditches. The BEF is only in direct contact with the enemy in the Metz sector.

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[ Dec 14th - Dec 16th]